Our Family Math Night events are usually done in a large room such as a multi-purpose room. But they can be done anywhere there is enough space for 8 large tables that seat 15+ participants.
These photos are an example of one way to set up a multi-purpose room that serves 120 students plus their parents. Having plenty of room between the tables will allow for greater “flow” and ease of getting from one station to the next. Notice how the tables are covered with brightly colored plastic tablecloths. This gives the room a festive feel as participants enter.
Typical room set-up with the estimation table at the back.
Create a different effect by angling the tables.
This room was set up using round tables. I created 9 "pods" (the 8 stations in the kit plus one extra for the collaborative project) each using 3 round tables.
Each table of the pod became one of the station levels: beginning, intermediate, advanced.
For events where I expect between 120-200 students, I create L-shaped stations using an 8’ table at the end of the cafeteria tables. This additional table becomes the Advanced station. (Chairs for extra table are not shown.)
For events where I expect around 240 students, I use a kit plus a booster pack and create a large ‘L’ using two sets of cafeteria tables.
For this event I alternated the tables for additional space and greater flow.
Here is what one station looks like completely set up, including the banner.
Another fun idea is to create U-shaped centers. For this event, the tablecloth was color-coordinated with the station levels: Beginning = yellow, Intermediate = green, Advanced = blue.
Help turn your event into a fundraiser by including a bake sale table.